Hi, I'm Ethan, and I like to build stuff!


I'm a part time student by day, and a part time projectionist by night, and I have a passion for building computers and using them for gaming and multimedia creation. I built my first computer about a year ago, now I'm up to three, and it was a great experience. After helping a friend put his together, I decided to check it out myself, and I learned it's really not as expensive or complicated as people made it out to be. Now, that's not to say it can't be pricey or complicated, as you'll see if you check out the project I'm working on, but it is what you make it, and you can make a really, really killer PC for not too much money at the time of me writing this. I'm currently working on making a Mini-ITX water cooled PC, and it's a great challenge and provides lots of opportunities to check out equipment I would've never used otherwise. Plus, I've made some friends doing it :)

Who are you? Why czarsalad?

My name is Ethan Campbell, and I'm a Web Development student at Mesa College. I'm currently finishing up my second year of school, hopefully not too many more, and I've had an enjoyable time so far. I also happen to be a film and digital projectionist at a theater in La Jolla. I have to say that being a projectionist is one of the most enjoyable things I've done so far, especially working with film reels. It can be stressful working with a film projector because there are so many moving parts, but so far everything has gone smoothly and this day and age that's not something very many people can say they've done. As for the name czarsalad, that's what I've used a majority of my adult life on the internet, so if I want the work I do to be associated with any name that's the one I'd pick.

Do you do anything else?

Yes, I do other things occasionally. One of my favorite things to do in my spare time is bike. There's not much else I'd rather be doing on a nice day than riding from the San Diego Bay to Torrey Pines Beach on my bike, I've been riding since I was a kid and I don't know if I'll ever stop. One of my other hobbies is playing around with photoshop. I love to take any photo I can get my hands on and try and give it a retro feel, similar to the background image on the home page of this site. I love the way the colors all work together and how it all reminds me of the VHS tapes I used to watch as a kid. Although, I must say that when it comes to film I'm all about even more retro editing. I try my best to make the film look like it was shot with a Super 8 camera. A long time ago I was inspired by the movie Super 8, and the after scene, and I've finally got the hardware to recreate the things I've imagined the past few years so I try when I have the time.